Thursday 4 April 2013

Firefall Beta

This week I tested out Firefall, after being given a key from my clan, DigiRev.

Testing Firefall wasn't as fun as I'd expect it to be, mainly because of the game requiring lots of juice on both CPU and GPU for absolutely no reason. The bugs I found out were mediocre, such as this, and the Chosen Ones hiding underground.

Firefall is a game without levels, with classes called "Battleframes", random world events and basically a lot of grinding for absolutely no reason.

Let's start with the Battleframes. The Battleframes are equipment on your character that give him different abilities and weapons, such as the Engineer having a sticky grenade launcher, heal/supply pads, turrets, etc. New battleframes sadly need Red Beans which can only be bought with real money, thus effectively blocking the F2P path the game was meant to reach.

Random world events can be Chosen Ones' invasions, a malfunction of some machinery which you have to find/fix/retrieve/analyze/whatever, or even players mining for resources.

Speaking of mining for resources, as soon as I had the grasp over fighting, I joined a party to harvest materials. We went on and on, pumping resources with a huge machine that we had to defend from swarms of enemies (hint hint, sticky grenade launcher). The enemies vary a lot, but after the third wave, it kindof gets boring as you repeat the same things again and again.

As soon as I reached a point of wanting to murder myself, I left the party and headed towards a Chosen One camp, which needed a kill off a Chosen one to blow up. Sadly, a game bug (Heck, it's a beta) had some chosen ones permanently sitting underground due to low health.

When I returned to Copacabana to get some new gear, I realized that I'd have to wait hours to refine my materials to produce stuff, which lead me to alt tab, put something to watch on a video player and just sat there.

Overall, the game has potential, but the bugs need to be squashed out, the game needs to be completely F2P, Materials need to be automatically refined to usable materials, as well as being more fun for the player. Grinding for hours just to have to AFK for even more hours got me annoyed with the game.

But yeah, jetpacks.

Post on the comments if you want a Firefall beta key.